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This ATEM (mini) Tips” series of short video tutorials for your Blackmagic ATEM hardware includes tips for all users, from beginner to advanced. Scroll down to see more in the series!

This is a collection of all PhotoJoseph LIVE shows, from the PhotoJoseph YouTube channel. Additional episodes are listed below!


Photo Moment - March 22, 2019

If you use Moment lenses then you're going to want this new belt bag by COSYSPEED — it's the best way to carry your smartphone and lenses together!

Products Mentioned

Today's Q&A and Unedited Live Show

See what you missed in the full, unedited LIVE show (this starts with the Q&A; back up if you want to see the whole live show)

Videos Mentioned


Join me and guest Sean Marc Nipper as we show off and discuss the soon-to-be-released Moment bag "PHONESLINGER Prime", designed to carry your iPhone in a Moment case and four Moment lenses! Get yours at
Is there a rain cover for the phone/lens holder
I’d like the Phoneslinger but if I fund the project it doesn’t guarantee I’d get one,? Am I paying to support your project just cus’ I’m a nice guy 🤔😛price shows 49$ never used a crowd funding purchase before so could do with some info before committing. Cheers.
Yes that’s the way it works with Kickstarter, BUT this company has been around and shipped products before. This bag is shipping, for sure.
The link to the Q&A at the end of the video jumps to an older Q&A with the 5" display. The link in the description is correct, however.
Oh thanks, I’ll fix it later tonight!
Possibly the funniest ever photo joseph I was not part of! But I saw the live recording as it was ending while I was on the Tube/subway train back home! I love Whiskey! I am Scottish by the way, and I can recommend lots of great whiskies for you to try!
Oregon sure looks beautiful. I think we are going to be good friends for a long time. Cameras, whiskey!
I have a better idea… bring some to Oregon!! Hehe
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