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aperture presents #1
r chalas's picture
by r chalas
April 22, 2013 - 5:50am

I'm using aperture 3.4.3 with mountain lion. The program isn't working correctly with one of the main issues being that I can't stamp a group of images with an adjustment when selecting a group. Only the first image gets stamped. I can't find a plist file to trash (may be part of the problem?). I've tried repairing permissions and repairing database. I want to reinstall the program, but I'm confused about how to save the presets. I've looked at this post on the forum, but my folders has none of this:…
My aperture folder only has a plug ins folder and sample projects folder. It doesn't show any plist files or command sets. I have an number of presets so this totally confuses me.

Thomas Emmerich's picture
by Thomas Emmerich
April 22, 2013 - 6:18am

Hello r chalas,

Unfortunately it is normal for it to only get applied to the primary selection. (If you select a group of images, one will have a thicker white border around it - this is the primary selection). The only way to do a group is to adjust one image and then lift and stamp the adjustment to other images.

You can apply a preset to multiple images but this only works if you use the menu command: Photos->Add Effect->Effect Category->Effect Name.


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