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Aperture Preset Question #1
Maureen McPherson's picture
by Maureen McPherson
July 31, 2012 - 6:50am

I am currently experimenting with Aperture presets (now effects). When I add a preset to a picture and I go back to look at it and I really like what I did, if its been awhile and I can't remember exactly what I did, how can I figure out what preset I used? When I use the preset it doesn't show up in the adjustments pane. Any suggestions?

PhotoJoseph's picture
by PhotoJoseph
July 31, 2012 - 8:57am


The preset applied isn’t noted anywhere, no. Remember that a preset is just a combination of effects, so you could just as easily have applied each effect manually and come to the same result.

Not to say I wish that it did note it somewhere — I think that’d be a great feature. But currently it does not.

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