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Smart Album dilemma #1
Debbie's picture
by Debbie
September 22, 2012 - 10:11am

Hi, I have a smart album set up to recognize only iPhone photos. The criteria is Camera Model is iPhone. It worked great until March 12th, but every iPhone photo shot since then isn't being recognized. That's a couple thousand or more. Is there another criteria I should be using? TIA!


Tim Doyle's picture
by Tim Doyle
September 22, 2012 - 11:00pm

Debbie - In Aperture, select one of these photos. Then open the Info tab and use the pull-down to select “Photo Info”. That should show you the value of the Camera Model field. My guess is that it says something like “iPhone 4”. You’ll need to adjust your smart album criteria accordingly. Either create a new smart album for the new iPhone, or modify the existing criteria from “is” to “starts with”.

Debbie's picture
by Debbie
September 24, 2012 - 3:20pm

Tim, it hadn’t occurred to me to check the info panel for the camera model. I found that the model was mostly listed as iPhone 5, or iPhone 4S, etc, but it wasn’t totally consistent. In some cases it only said iPhone. I’ve had four iPhones so I added four boxes for the EXIF>Camera Model so I could list each iPhone I’ve had separately. It didn’t work at first for some reason, but eventually 12,000+ photos appeared, which was all of my iPhone photos except ones I shot last night with my new iPhone 5. But then I closed the smart album and opened it again, and the rest appeared. It’s kinda fickle, but still better than it was. It was only picking up 3200 photos before when I just had iPhone listed as the model without any numbers after it. But those 3200 weren’t just from the original iPhone b/c some were as recent as March this year when I had the 4S. I’m not really sure why they all finally appeared, but hopefully it’ll work from now on.

Thank you for your help! :)


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