Truly in-depth tips for image adjustments, beyond what is currently available.
Over on the other side (ie: LR&PS), there are tons of resources (perhaps too many) for this, but I’ve looked at virtually all of the material available for Aperture, and it never really gets that deep. Of course image adjustment is subjective in many ways, but something beyond what is currently available would be great.
"There is nothing worse than a sharp photograph of a fuzzy concept." Ansel Adams
I agree with Matthew, and can envision (3) ea. 10 Tip eBooks on Adjustments - Beginner (like me), Intermediate and Advanced. It would be nice to have a progressive set of material from a single resource for users transitioning from iPhoto or other image management tool.
You asked for suggestions for future E Books.. here’s one of many that I can think of
The Export function in Aperture is comprehensive, but to the novice user it seems a dark art. What file type, which size, and particularly how to print using Aperture would be really useful to know. I’ll give some examples of where I have run into problems in the last week: 1. Sizing for a Flickr export 2. Printing two 5” x 7 ” pictures on a single A4 sheet 3. Emailing more than one picture on a single email , with pictures sized appropriately for e-mail 4. Batch printing using a service print house
I think it could be helpful to have instructions on how to optimize your OS and system to improve Aperture’s performance. Maybe that’s going to clear itself up with future releases, but for now, quirks in your setup can really drag Aperture down.
I agree with Matthew as well, some more in depth information on adjustments is greatly needed. I would also like to know if it is possible to move a managed library to a referenced one.
Lastly, knowing the best way to balance working with a laptop and a desktop would be extremely helpful. My library is on my home computer and I often travel for weeks at a time for work. It pains me that the only way to work on my photos is if I copy my entire library over to a portable drive and share it between the laptop and desktop.
I have recently discovered the books by George DeWolfe on creating fine art prints. I am most impressed by overall organized process. His methods use Photoshop plus his own software. I should think many of his procedures could be adapted for Aperture. I would also include the Nik plug-ins as an additional tool.
I am looking for a thoughtful process to produce the fine art print using Aperture. What is important about a particular order. I seem to adapt George’s order well; start by desaturating the photo and make adjustments, then bring color back into the picture. I would guess at this level RAW images would be required.
Hope that gives you some ideas to start working on.
I just bought your book on file management. At present I have 13000 images in an Aperture library. Will read your information to see if one can change to a referenced scheme for future work.
Some great topics in here, thanks folks! A couple of these are smaller, more “tips & tricks” worthy than full-on eBook, so I’ll pop a couple of those out over the next week. Thanks!
Assuming (hoping, praying) that Aperture 3 will have a way to export and import presets, I would love to see an ebook on presets, how to use them and standard presets to get a particular “look” . Batch processing and how to use it for metadata and image processing would be a good topic, too.
I’m with Kevin Miller - I’d love to see a good write-up on multi-library strategies, like how to handle a Master/Travel library scenario. Is it worth it to have separate libraries just for specific jobs/vacations/etc.? How do you combine images from all these sources into a single portfolio? Etc., etc.
Truly in-depth tips for image adjustments, beyond what is currently available.
Over on the other side (ie: LR & PS), there are tons of resources (perhaps too many)
for this, but I’ve looked at virtually all of the material available for Aperture, and it never
really gets that deep. Of course image adjustment is subjective in many ways,
but something beyond what is currently available would be great.
"There is nothing worse than a sharp photograph of a fuzzy concept." Ansel Adams
I agree with Matthew, and can envision (3) ea. 10 Tip eBooks on Adjustments - Beginner (like me), Intermediate and Advanced. It would be nice to have a progressive set of material from a single resource for users transitioning from iPhoto or other image management tool.
You asked for suggestions for future E Books.. here’s one of many that I can think of
The Export function in Aperture is comprehensive, but to the novice user it seems a dark art. What file type, which size, and particularly how to print using Aperture would be really useful to know.
I’ll give some examples of where I have run into problems in the last week:
1. Sizing for a Flickr export
2. Printing two 5” x 7 ” pictures on a single A4 sheet
3. Emailing more than one picture on a single email , with pictures sized appropriately for e-mail
4. Batch printing using a service print house
I think it could be helpful to have instructions on how to optimize your OS and system to improve Aperture’s performance. Maybe that’s going to clear itself up with future releases, but for now, quirks in your setup can really drag Aperture down.
congrats on the site
An e-book on handling the Aperture Library file - keeping it small, backup strategies, using time machine, working btween a laptop and a desktop.
I know I should know all this … but its different when working with your own files rather than a demo :-)
An e-book on sharpenng, and edge sharpening - for web, photo processing and print.
Thx, Kipp
I agree with Matthew as well, some more in depth information on adjustments is greatly needed. I would also like to know if it is possible to move a managed library to a referenced one.
Lastly, knowing the best way to balance working with a laptop and a desktop would be extremely helpful. My library is on my home computer and I often travel for weeks at a time for work. It pains me that the only way to work on my photos is if I copy my entire library over to a portable drive and share it between the laptop and desktop.
I have recently discovered the books by George DeWolfe on creating fine art prints. I am most impressed by overall organized process. His methods use Photoshop plus his own software. I should think many of his procedures could be adapted for Aperture. I would also include the Nik plug-ins as an additional tool.
I am looking for a thoughtful process to produce the fine art print using Aperture. What is important about a particular order. I seem to adapt George’s order well; start by desaturating the photo and make adjustments, then bring color back into the picture. I would guess at this level RAW images would be required.
Hope that gives you some ideas to start working on.
I just bought your book on file management. At present I have 13000 images in an Aperture library. Will read your information to see if one can change to a referenced scheme for future work.
Don Boys
Some great topics in here, thanks folks! A couple of these are smaller, more “tips & tricks” worthy than full-on eBook, so I’ll pop a couple of those out over the next week. Thanks!
— Have you signed up for the mailing list?
Assuming (hoping, praying) that Aperture 3 will have a way to export and import presets, I would love to see an ebook on presets, how to use them and standard presets to get a particular “look” . Batch processing and how to use it for metadata and image processing would be a good topic, too.
Scott Thomas
I’m hoping the same. And if there are presets, I’ll be selling them!
And thanks for the other suggestions.
— Have you signed up for the mailing list?
I’m with Kevin Miller - I’d love to see a good write-up on multi-library strategies, like how to handle a Master/Travel library scenario. Is it worth it to have separate libraries just for specific jobs/vacations/etc.? How do you combine images from all these sources into a single portfolio? Etc., etc.
Great tips so far, though - keep it up!