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Batch Keywording #1
Howard Miller's picture
by Howard Miller
July 30, 2013 - 10:34am

I've been doing this for several years and have never had any problems, then today I needed to add a keyword to a bunch of images, so I selected the images and dragged the keyword over top of them. Like I always have done. Usually they all take the keyword, and I move on.

Today, only the image that I dragged on top of (not all the selected images) took the keyword.

So for instance, I selected 100 photos, dragged the keyword “family” over them, and released. Typically I would see the counter go up by 100. Today the counter only went up by 1.

Is there something “clicked” on that I need to unclick?

Howard Miller's picture
by Howard Miller
July 30, 2013 - 11:18am

Figured it out. “Primary” was checked under the edit menu.

Uncheck and go.

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