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Some photos not syncing to Photostream in Aperture #1
Debbie's picture
by Debbie
August 27, 2013 - 10:45am

I'm trying to add a couple photos to Photostream inside my Aperture library, and even though it shows the photos popping up and into Photostream in the sidebar, and then the little sync circle spinning, they don't appear in PS. I can go to another photo next to them in the same Project and move it to PS, and it'll sync just fine, but for some reason these two photos won't sync. Is this just a quirky thing? These are older iPhone 4S photos so nothing unusual about them. Has this happened to anyone else? I wanted to put the photos on my iPad and iPhone 5 in the quickest possible way and this seemed like the solution, but nope, not working. TIA!


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