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How do I get a project to show ONLY the unprocessed original files? #1
Marcus 's picture
by Marcus
September 24, 2013 - 5:34am

I have a project of 8000 images taken over 10 weeks.

As I was travelling, I was processing some of them for blogging and personal interest etc.
Now I want to export about 60 of the original files and having done “export masters' I am not convinced Aperture has got it right (there are a number of JPEG files which I rarely shoot without RAW as well yet may have marked up the JPEG as I was travelling but want the RAW version of it)

Is there a fast way to force Aperture to display only the unprocessed original files, and where I have selected by stars/flag etc the JPEG, the RAW version of that file not the JPEG version?

Walter Rowe's picture
by Walter Rowe
September 30, 2013 - 10:29am

You can create a filter to only show raw files in the viewer. Also see if you have any stacks where the JPG is set as the main image instead of the raw file. That could explain the JPG instead of raw file showing up as the exported master.

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