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iPhoto library to Aperture from time machine #1
La Wan's picture
by La Wan
November 4, 2013 - 1:32pm

Hello… I am hoping I can find the answer to this question here… I am looking to import (how?) my photos from my airport time capsule into Aperture on my new MBPr. Is there an issue if this is a “iPhoto” library rather than an “aperture” library?
Next, if this is not an issue, is it possible to import/migrate/ just that iPhoto library into aperture over my home network? I like my clean new laptop and only want to import the things I need, not migrate everything over.
Thank you in advance!

Walter Rowe's picture
by Walter Rowe
November 5, 2013 - 6:58am

You will need to restore the iPhoto library via Time Machine. Once restored you should be able to import it into Aperture. After you verify the import in Aperture you can then delete the iPhoto library.

If you cannot import the Library directly into Aperture, you may need to open the library in the current version of iPhoto then exit iPhoto to make sure the library is updated and saved in a format that Aperture 3.5 can import.

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