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Open Q&A: Ask Anything!

Live Training Session 116

Open Q&A: Ask Anything!

Live Training Session 116

Duration: 00:50 hr

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We haven't done one of these in a while, so it's time… Adjustments are wrapped (at least all the main ones), so before moving on let's get any outstanding questions answered.

While we only had one question submitted in advance, plenty more were asked live. We answered questions on curves, custom keyboard shortcuts, “multiple” white balance applications, deleting photos while originals are offline, the eventual Aperture to Photos upgrade, mimicking neutral density grad filters from Lightroom, customizing keys when using the dvorak keyboard, future Photos training, adjusting several photos at once (Lift & Stamp), trying to adjust a backlit photo, and more.

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Open Q&A: Ask Anything!

Live Training Session 116

Duration: 00:50 hr

Become a member and get unlimited streaming and heavily discounted downloads of premium content, and 20% off discounts most items in the store!

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