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Couple of Freebies for Mac users! #1
Kevin La Rue's picture
by Kevin La Rue
May 5, 2015 - 3:48am

Hi folks - For you Mac users, here are a couple of free app “deals” you might wanna try out this week…  If you like ‘em, please tell your friends on social with #macphun (it encourages us to do more!). 

Cheers, Kevin

  1. Free Colorstrokes - one of our most popular apps; simple and “phun”:
  2. Free Snapselect - to help celebrate Mother’s Day here in the U.S., we’ve made Snapselect free for the next 6 days. Snapselect is a super-cool app that helps you find and select the best photos out of any given set of images. It automagically sorts images by similars/duplicates and presents them in a hyper-efficient UI so you can “pick” or “reject” your favorites really fast.  Here’s a cute animated video that will instantly explain.


Kevin La Rue, Skylum

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