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No Lightroom 7 (standalone)? #1
wco81's picture
by wco81
April 2, 2016 - 9:23pm

I’m still on Aperture.

I’ve played with LR 5.  Not really a fan of the UI.

I’d like to check out LR6, especially something like Dehaze.  The standalone price is still $130-145 at Amazon.  You can get a CC subscription for $8 a month (probably requires a year) but I don’t want to be captive to that nonsense.  I might find that the next major release of LR doesn’t have the tentpole features worth paying for – same as with iPhones and other tech products.

It’s interesting that LR6 came out April 2015 and usually they have a long beta period but no word of LR7.

Of course, with the way they’re splitting the feature set between CC and LR standalone, maybe they are not doing standalone any more.

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