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This ATEM (mini) Tips” series of short video tutorials for your Blackmagic ATEM hardware includes tips for all users, from beginner to advanced. Scroll down to see more in the series!

This is a collection of all PhotoJoseph LIVE shows, from the PhotoJoseph YouTube channel. Additional episodes are listed below!

Epiphan pearl-2: $8,000 Streaming Hardware? It’s a Bargain!

Photo Moment - March 09, 2017

It's time to see what this Pearl-2 can do!


The Epiphan Pearl-2 is an $8,000 piece of streaming equipment (with the 4K video upgrade)…with that price-tag, what is this thing capable of? Well, it can…Capture 6 video sources at once, Switch video sources live, Simultaneously live stream to YouTube and Facebook, it has a Custom layout builder, it can record your content, auto or custom setup for a stream, and more. 

Epiphan Pearl-2 [B&H -]

Love the kit but no way I could recoup that on the streaming I do for Education clients. I love Epiphan hardware though - I have the HD and it just works. I hope they sell enough units over time for it to come down in price. Being able to get multi vid in + what seems like great Lipsync without having to adjust is wonderful. Love the show BTW - such attention to detail.
+L4LTV Thank you :-)
This was a great show! Very informative!
I have experience with newtech tricaster, what diference this device to what the cheapest tricaster can do being the tricaster less expensive? :/
+vimanaboy You think 7.3 is buggy; did you try 6?!?! So I gave up long ago on doing anything fancy in Wirecast. It can do everything that you ask but the more you add, the less reliable it is. I'm on 7.x, whatever is latest.
Can you key-in production graphics like with Wirecast, or is titling limited to the built-in text generator? How about media files and web pages? Also what version of Wirecast do you use? We're on 7.3 but finding it very buggy :(
+SkateTube 4K
Here is the Chat-Log from the Live Stream:

Jess Smith​: Hello

Jorge Guimarães: ​Hi from Portugal!

Sully Cortez: ​hey hey

Jon Morby​: hi

Alexandre Massart: ​Bonjour from Paris

Jorge Guimarães: ​Hey! i'm trying to find some info about the EVF of GH5. Do you have any info about it?! Cheers!

novak miler: ​Howdy everyone!

tarbax​: hello from belgium!

Technocrats: ​hello!

Jon Morby​: Jorge .. what do you want to know?

Jorge Guimarães: ​I read something about the crop of the EVF. Would like to know what info is display in it.

EverythingIOSX: ​hey hey

Lance Guilin: ​Hello from Silicon Valley!

Jorge Guimarães: ​Congrats for your channel and thanks for all your explanations!

EverythingIOSX: ​darn almost got to my name finally

Jon Morby: ​The EVF is 3.68 million dots with 0.76 magnification .. things look beautiful through it with the limited experience I've had of the GH5 so far

Sully Cortez​: nice that sounds awesome

Ricardo Antunes ​🤠

Sully Cortez​: the ability to use diff fps/hz/etc for the pearl 2^

Sully Cortez: ​awww thats stinks about the line audio in only

EverythingIOSX​: i wonder if you can ever make a video on the Nikon D810A

EverythingIOSX: ​its a great astrophotography camera

Jon Morby​: damn that's cute 😃

Kirk Beaumont​: He only works with Panasonic

Ryan Greene​: I'm noticing that the video is brighter than before when you weren't using the pearl-2.

Jorge Guimarães: ​thanks Jon!

Jon Morby​: and then there was silence! 😃

Kirk Beaumont​: Are you talking?

EverythingIOSX​: no

EverythingIOSX​: don't think he is

Sully Cortez​: there it goes

Kirk Beaumont: ​its back

Sully Cortez​: back on

Sully Cortez​: oh wow, multiple windows live

Sully Cortez​: that's awesome

Sully Cortez​: wowwwwwwwwww haha so cool

Jess Smith​: Super cool.

Jess Smith​: Yes

ClouderTV​: is this the ultra expensive streaming box?

Sully Cortez​: THAT is what I want, the stream to go out to facebook and youtube at the same time

Kirk Beaumont​: yes

Sully Cortez​since: i just started facebook streaming

Sully Cortez​😉

Kirk Beaumont: ​Epiphan Pearl-2 @ $8,000

ClouderTV: ​is there a cheaper version that can do this for poor people like me...

Igor Živković: ​6400$

RoyalGrom​: how much upload bandwith do you stream

Sully Cortez: ​so this is cropping in onnnnnn a digital signal? how does it actually crop?

Jon Morby​: I want one! ... no idea what I'd do with it, but I want one 😃

Jon Morby​: I wonder what the shipping costs are going to be to the UK

RoyalGrom​: i wana see it

Jon Morby: ​$140 plus tax .. so about $10k to the UK 😞

Jorge Guimarães​: No sound

Jorge Guimarães: ​Joseph, no sound here..

Sully Cortez​: joseph when you do the 4K stream can you show with one of the other cameras the lighting setup you use?

Kirk Beaumont​: no sound

Jorge Guimarães​: yeah

Jorge Guimarães​: audio back

Kirk Beaumont​: an its

Kirk Beaumont​: Maybe need ID and PW?

Sully Cortez​: oh wow nice thanks!

Sully Cortez​: for showing the light bank(s)

Igor Živković​: Thank you

Jorge Guimarães​: Thanks! Great live stream!

Joseph Linaschke: ​That was fun!

Kirk Beaumont​: thanks!

RoyalGrom​: xD

RoyalGrom: ​xD
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