The features you’ve been hoping for! ATOMOS Shinobi II Update 11.02
Photo Moment - October 12, 2024
The ATOMOS Shinobi II has its first major update, bringing touch-to-focus, still photo triggering, ARRI False Color and EL Zone, and support for Nikon and Fujifilm cameras!
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- 🥷 Shinobi II
- 🥷 Shinobi II Update page
- 🥷 Shinobi II Compatibility page
- 🔋 SmallRig NP battery
- 🦅🔵 Kondor Blue S5II/S5IIx Cage
- 🦅🔵 Kondor Blue NATO Mount
- 🦅🔵 Kondor Blue Monitor Rail
- 🦅🔵 Kondor Blue HDMI Cables
- 🦅🔵 Kondor Blue USB Cables
- 🦅🔵 Kondor Blue EDC (Every Day Carry)
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the problem here is you cannot record prores
@@photojoseph yeah thats just the downside but I like the compactness of the monitor . almost ordered one
@johnzuluetafilms5226 well that’s wildly specific compared to your first comment. You need USB to control the camera from the monitor, or you can give up USB control and use USB for external recording, and still use the monitor as a monitor over HDMI.
@@photojoseph i mean you cant record prores on the s5iix since usb c on the camera is used by the monitor to control the camera recording etc
You can’t record anything in this monitor — because it’s a monitor, not a recorder. If you want to record, then you need a Ninja or higher. The Shinobi is a monitor-only solution, and the price reflects that.
oh yes EL-Zone thank god. Thx for the Video
Atomos haven't updated the firmware to use touch focus with the lumix G9 II. Have you tried this with the G9 II to see if it works? Its the only reason I haven't bought this monitor....yet.
@ I asked atomos support and they said they would pass my request to development. In the meantime I have downloaded the fieldmonitor app for my iPhone and it works quite well.
Not touch focus. All other functions work, but touch focus is exclusive for the S5II and S5IIX now. And yes, I tried 😊
I can't find El zone and I'm on the latest firmware
That’s not much information for me to help you with. From that, all j can say is to watch the video again and pay attention to what mode the display is in and make sure you’re doing the same thing. I do believe it only works in Log, so that might be a hint.
yes to EL zone - very interested
Nice video and thanks for the information. Can you tell me how long you can run both the camera and the Shinobi ii on one SmallRig NP-F970 USB-C Rechargeable Camera Battery?
Thanks, but no, I can’t. It would depend on the camera and how it’s being used so no one can publish that information with any level of precision. You’ll just have to test.
In the future do you think it will be possible to use the autofocus and other controls, without needing the USB-c cable?
I doubt it. I don’t think this even has Bluetooth built into it.
After I bought a Lumix S5II, I stumbled upon your Channel. You are a great tutor, and I would love to see what you think about the EL zone system. Especially, ideas about V-log optimization in terms of exposure to the right and how it should be set up for different situations - controlled light, available light etc.
Welcome, and thank you. It’s high on the list!
Thanks for the video. Simple and straightforward. For some reason, when I insert the SD card, the update doesn't start. Any idea why?
@ awesome. I’m sorry I can’t help you with the Sony; I’m not familiar with their cameras. And thank you for subscribing!
It was the right way, my mistake was in how I formatted the SD card. Now it works and is updated. However, I'm having issues connecting with my FX3—no input. Time to do some research on that. Also subscribed, seems like a good channel. :)
It was the right way, my mistake was in how I formatted the SD card. Now it works and is updated. However, I'm having issues connecting with my FX3—no input. Time to do some research on that. Also subscribed, seems like a good channel. :)
Make sure the card isn’t in upside down. Too easy of a mistake to make.
FYI 11.03 has been released thanks for the video always coming back for when I need to update
@@photojoseph i got it. had to format ntsc. My card was exfat
Please explain what did or didn’t happen. “It doesn’t work” doesn’t help me to help you.
Just got my monitor and can't get the firmware to work..any tips. Followed instructions on line
I don’t understand if touch focus can be used in video mode while also using other modes. For example, tracking or the various focus areas.
I'm planning to answer your question on the live show, Friday 2024-11-29 14:00 GMT -- if you can't be there, of course the replay will be available!
I've just installed 11.02.00 and can't seem to use EL Zone, after ARRI mode it just switches back to normal
Oh interesting! Good to know, thanks for letting me know.
@@photojoseph ok I think I've figured out why it wasn't working, in the monitor Input settings it needs Log/HDR enabled by the looks of things. :)
@philddlesticks do you have a LUT loaded? I wonder if that could have anything to do with it?
@@photojoseph Yes, it's showing 11.02.00 in version. I tried reformatting the SD Card and reinstalled it again and still only Atomos and ARRI modes. I guess I'll email Atomos to see what they say
That’s weird. Are you sure the update installed? Does it show 11.02 in the info page?
EL Zone :D
Great features! S9 would be compact rig.dont forget touch focus😅💯🔥🫡Thank You
I inserted the SD card while the shinobi ii was already on and it did nothing so i powered down and now it wont turn back on!! WTF
Yikes! Glad it’s all good now.
Okk now it turned on but that was scary.
Thans for the video ! Is the monitor still slow to start after the update ?
Can this monitor work great with all it features with the Panasonic G7?
Update: Nevermind I just saw the link and no it doesn't support the Panasonic G7. That suck. Lol
Update: Nevermind I just saw the link and no it doesn't support the Panasonic G7. That suck. Lol
@jayrey7 if you already have MFT lenses then the latest G series are great. Of course the S5II and X are amazing as well, if you don’t mind starting over on lenses!
Oooold camera my friend. It doesn’t have the USB protocols to communicate with LUMIX Tether, so yeah, definitely not gonna work with the Shinobi, sorry!
Thanks for the video. I just upgraded the ShinobI II firmware today. Sad to say, the Panasonic S5 does not support touch to focus. But it’s still a great monitor for what it offers
Hi Joseph, Shark here, can you do this with the Atmos Ninja V or is it exclusive for the Shinobi 2?
Please release for Sony ZV-E1…i cant use mine🥲
Congrats on that sponsorship! A great product, and sooo useful and complementary to this channel. Kudos! 👍
The only reason I would buy this monitor is because of the EL Zone. Great video.
Would really like to see an option to disable other false color modes. IE I only wanna use EL Zone, I have to tap the icon 3 times to shuffle through the 3 modes to get to the one I want every time, kinda annoying.
Great feedback — tell Atomos!!
No touch to focus for Sony fx30??????!
I’m sure they prioritized on popularity of the camera or whatever their research showed the majority of their users own. I know that’s a significant camera so I think it’s safe to say it’ll be added soon.
Thanks an amazing news, I just ordered the monitor, to learn the EL Zones System. I think you should make a video about it!
I also have a question @photojoseph In the video about exposure method you mention that when shooting V-Log you can go as much as +6.3 stops above middle grey and –8 stops below middle grey, for a total of 14.3 stops of dynamic range. Where can we find this information? How these values change depending on chosen ISO value ? I can't side any info...
I also have a question @photojoseph In the video about exposure method you mention that when shooting V-Log you can go as much as +6.3 stops above middle grey and –8 stops below middle grey, for a total of 14.3 stops of dynamic range. Where can we find this information? How these values change depending on chosen ISO value ? I can't side any info...
As much as I can, yes, I stick to native ISO
@@photojoseph Thank you for the answer. I know that Black Magic publish such charts. It's a pity we don't have this to make our exposure choices more accurate. Maybe you can ask Panasonic ;) So do you personally stick to one of 2 native ISO values when shooting in VLog? Best regards and thank you for your excellent work.
Yeah that stuff isn’t really published. I’m an Ambassador so they share info like that with me so I can share it with you. Sites like DxO Mark and Cinema5D will rate them as well, which is your best source for independent measurements.
I'm waiting for OS11 on the Shiniobi 7 so I can match it with my Ninja V.. come on Atomos, you can do it!
Shinobi… 7? Oh the original 7”? I don’t know but I’d assume it’s older hardware that can run the new operating system.
Absolutely interested in EL Zone. I'm trying to get them to put it into the Shinobi 5 and 7, as well as in Davinci Resolve and OSEE monitors. Pretty much, everywhere.
People are really passionate about EL Zone. I really need to learn it!
Oooooffff - didn’t mention tap to focus ONLY works in single shot focus mode. No focus tracking on any supported cameras (except the r6II). Which, isn’t something a lot of video shooters use. That, paired with the fact the focus box disappears relatively quickly after tapping, so you’re in a spot focus mode without being able to see the spot you’re focusing on…
This is such an odd update that doesn’t really give the users what they wanted.
This is such an odd update that doesn’t really give the users what they wanted.
I honestly wasn’t aware of that. I’d have to try it out. You witnessed my first experience with it.
All I’m trying to say here is I love the Shinobi II. But this update to include tap to focus was half baked and they deserve to be roasted for it.
Oh hey, very exciting! I use EL Zone on my original Ninja V, and it was /the/ main feature that felt like it was missing from the Shinobi for me, so this is great!
P.S. I’ve had false color flip out on me when using RAW, maybe that could have something to do with the weird colors you’re getting? (This happens to me with a GH6 if it matters)
P.S. I’ve had false color flip out on me when using RAW, maybe that could have something to do with the weird colors you’re getting? (This happens to me with a GH6 if it matters)
N’ah that was a camera pointing at the LCD. Gonna have to figure out how they happened. So weird.
On their website it says it works with the fx3&30, another YouTuber noted it wasn't much use as it didn't work when focus tracking is enabled and also the focus vanishes after a couple of seconds.
The monitor works with the fx3/30 with camera control. But “tap to focus” does not.
Can’t comment there; I don’t shoot Sony. Sounds like something isn’t set up right though. On LUMIX that isn’t an issue.
Can your camera be powered via dummy vmount and from there connect from camera usbc control port to shinobi 2 usbc and the shinobi 2 have both power and camera control via usbc ? So you dont have to have a battery on the shinobi2 but via vmount on say belt clip or back pack like ronin4d🤯🤣🫶💯Thank You
@@photojoseph Yessir. Thank You
The Shinobi can’t get power from the camera. The cameras don’t send power out that way. To keep the weight off the Shinobi, put a DC coupler where the NP battery would go, like in this video and in its thumbnail
Perfect timing Joseph! I ordered mine yesterday after Atomos put up a video showing that my Z9 is now supported. An EL zone video from you would be great, even though I have seen many on the topic you have a very pedagogical approach that appeals to my way of understanding concepts and how products work! 👍🏾🙏🏾 🏴🇸🇪🇹🇹
That’s a compliment and a half, thank you!
It would be so nice if you can make another video explaining the EL zone!!!🙏
You can’t touch to focus if you use a usbc powered camera because the USBC output is too weak to power most cameras. So R5C etc is out.
you literally saw me do that in this video, on a LUMIX S5IIx -- touch to focus while powered over USB-C. I don't use or own Canon; the R5 is on the compatibility list but the R5C is not. As with any product, its important to verify that your camera is supported.
Can you move the spot luminance around the screen, and do the camera controls work with the BGH1?
Spot luminance isn't supported, no. The BGH1 probably works for camera control but I haven't tried it, sorry. It's not on the list but its fully supported by LUMIX Tether.
Great review!
I got the s5 and s5II With the ninja V, tap to focus Will work someday With the ninja?
I got the s5 and s5II With the ninja V, tap to focus Will work someday With the ninja?
Thanks! I haven’t heard any discussion of this. I’d assume it’s not possible but I don’t actually know.
That video made my day, hearing EL Zone is available is awesome. It is something I requested from Atomos when I got the Shinobi2 a while back. Everything I’ve seen about it makes sense. The idea of thinking in F-Stops matches up with my light meter and the way I think about lighting ratios. I’d love it if you did a video about it. I was about to get a different monitor that supports the system but noticed some of the other Atomos products supported it and I was hoping it would come in a firmware update. I’m stoked! Extrashot has a good explanation.
Thanks! Glad to hear you’re so enthusiastic about it. I’ll look up Extrashot!
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