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Import from iPhoto was incomplete and has duplicates #1
Bob Patek's picture
by Bob Patek
April 27, 2010 - 12:47pm

Hi everyone. I am a novice and new user of Aperture 3 (tonight actually). I tried to import my iPhoto library and Aperture crashed twice. My library in Aperture appears to be incomplete, is missing some photos and also has many duplicates. ( i imported 3 times due to the crashes) I’d like to start over. How do I delete or remove the files and start over. I think the Aperture installation was fine and IPhoto still has all of my image files / library / albums.
Thanks in advance.

PhotoJoseph's picture
by PhotoJoseph
April 27, 2010 - 2:58pm


Welcome to Aperture 3! Sorry your first experience hasn’t been great, however there were lots of upgrade problems in the beginning. Please be sure that you’re running the latest version (from the Apple menu > Software Update); current Aperture is actually 3.0.2

1) Also I’d advise backing up your iPhoto library to another hard drive (or at least another copy on the same drive) just to be safe. You can’t be too safe when dealing with your precious photos!

2) The easiest way to start fresh is to simply delete the Aperture library. Assuming you didn’t do anything unusual on the first launch, the library will be in your ~/Pictures folder, called “Aperture Library”. Move that to the trash, then next time you launch Aperture, it will prompt you to create a new library.

3) Search on this site for “iPhoto” in the forums as others have talked about the migration. I’m don’t recall overall what’s been discussed, but it can’t hurt to look.

Good luck, and be sure to let us know back here how it went… and again, welcome!

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