I am running Aperture 3.2.2, and can not get Faces to update when I add new photos. Initially, Aperture went thru my library and added many faces, but will not update anymore. I would appreciate any help in getting this feature to work properly again.
Thanks -
Faces is one of the few features I don’t actually use, so hopefully someone else can chime in with more info. The only thing I can think to ask right now is, have you tried the command Photos > Detect Missing Faces on new photos? Clearly this is supposed to be happening automatically, but maybe it needs a little kick-start.
Have you tried trashing the preferences? You will have to reset a few prefs, but that’s often the easiest quick-fix for problems where Aperture appears to be “stuck”. The file is in
~/ Library/ Preferences/ com.apple.Aperture.plist
and remember in Lion, to get to the ~/Library, hold down the option key while clicking the Go menu in the Finder.Barring that, have you done any repairs on the database (holding command-option on launch).
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