Hi Guys, I've been editing a wedding from Saturday, vault backed up on import of images as usual with no issues.
Whilst editing I had Aperture lock up on me making it impossible to Quit or Force Quit, the app was unresponsive and nothing on the dock or task bar was usable.
So I hard reset (power button for 5 secs) the MacPro as this was the only way to quit. On re-opening everything seemed fine until I backed up to the vault at the end of the day.
Basically it hangs at around 75%. I've left it on over night with no progress. I've now tried creating a new vault but it hangs at 25% with no progress.
The library permissions have been repaired and the library restore but the same thing happens,.
Any ideas?
You’ve done all the repair routines, including rebuild?
Assuming so, it sounds like this is a library that’s unique to this wedding, so presumably just a few projects? If so, why don’t you export all the projects to a new Library, open that and see if you can create a new Vault.
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