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Incorrect EXIF #1
Jon Busby's picture
by Jon Busby
May 18, 2012 - 4:14pm


I recently did a series of photo using my prime lens an old Nikon 50mm 1.8d. The lens is quite old and manual.

I noticed when I imported the photos into Aperture 3 that the EXIF looked odd.

I expected the data to be something like f2.8 and 1/250 but it showed as f6.3 1/25.

I appreciate this is a non Aperture query and more likely to do with my Nikon D40 but wanted to ask if anyone had any insight.

Thank you.



PhotoJoseph's picture
by PhotoJoseph
May 19, 2012 - 10:07am


old lenses don’t have the tech to communicate that info to the camera, so I’m not surprised. If anything I’d expect it to be blank, actually.

You can alter the metadata but not in Aperture. Check out this post “Adding EXIF Data to Scans or PhotoCD Files” where I talk about software called ExifChanger that would allow you to modify those fields. You could do it even after they are imported (as long as you can get to the masters, meaning you have to be working referenced — even if just temporarily). Just make the change you want then update metadata from masters in Aperture.

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