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Image Galleries in Retina MBP Keynote #1
patrick raymond's picture
by patrick raymond
October 26, 2012 - 4:06am

Hi folks. Does anyone know what was used to create “The Weekend Catch” gallery/blog about 11 seconds into the “colors” mbp retina ad? Is that a gallery from Aperture? Or iWeb? It looks like they are dragging directly from Aperture to the web gallery. Any specifics you may have would be greatly appreciated! I would like to set up the same type of site for my photos! THANKS!!!

PhotoJoseph's picture
by PhotoJoseph
October 26, 2012 - 4:23am


I’ve been wondering that myself. At first I thought it was iBooks Author or Pages but now that I can see it at higher resolution, it’s clearly a website. I can’t be iWeb, that’s not supported any more AFAIK. It’s not any Aperture feature I’m aware of. But it’s a good question… I’ll post it on the front page, I wanna know too! Maybe it’s a Squarespace 6 template?

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patrick raymond's picture
by patrick raymond
October 26, 2012 - 4:33am


Thanks. That’s great. I looked around a bunch on google and came up empty handed. It looks pretty slick and would be the answer to all my photo sharing issues in the past… I’m looking forward to finding out.


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