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Library missing images when restarted #1
Craig Cerhit's picture
by Craig Cerhit
November 22, 2012 - 5:32am

Hello, when I import photos and videos into Aperture (managed library), everything seems to work fine, I can interact with the images and videos in the project once the import is complete.

The problem arrises when I reopen Aperture, sometimes I get the upgrading library window, once that is complete, the most recent images and videos no longer appear in my library, or anywhere on my system.

I've repeated the import process 3 times, restarting the iMac in between and I get the same results.

Oddly, while I can still see the images and videos, I viewed the package contents of my Aperture library, and those images do not appear, they don't appear anywhere on my system, nor does the file size of my library change.

When I check my Aperture vault the missing files appear where they should and my vault size is much bigger than my library size 1.52TB vs 1.31TB

Following some online advice, I rebuilt permissions on the home folder, and the entire system via disk utility and the Aperture First Aid (Repair Permissions and Repair Database). I have not rebuilt the Database yet.

Since rebuilding permissions, during my most recent import which, is about 50GB of photos and videos, the content has stayed in the library for the last few days, but again, there is no change to the Aperture 3 library and I have no idea where these files are being placed. I have done everything obvious to me and now I’m stumped.

I am a working producer and I need to have confidence that my media is not going to randomly disappear on me (though I do have onsite and offsite backups), if anyone has any advice, I would greatly appreciate it.

Aperture 3.4.2
Mountain Lion 10.8.2
2011 iMac i7 w/ 16GB RAM

Thank you,

Craig Cerhit's picture
by Craig Cerhit
November 23, 2012 - 10:19am

Success! I noticed when I did a “get info” on the Aperture 3 Library folder it had the version at 3.3.x while the program is at 3.4.3. Despite getting the “upgrading library” several times, it was never actually upgrading the library.

Solution: I deleted the file User > Library > Preferences > When I restarted Aperture, I loaded up my library and then it preformed a lengthy library update, much longer than I had experienced before. Now when I get info on the library folder it is displaying the correct version and once I step into the library file (show packaged contents) I can see the most recently imported files.

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