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Identifying Images By Focal Length #1
Marcus 's picture
by Marcus
November 15, 2012 - 7:06pm

I am making some lens buying decisions and want to know how many images were taken at specific focal lengths.

I can search for specific lenses e.g. I can find the images shot with my Nikon 14-24 2.8 but how can I refine that so that I can find out which of those results was taken at, say, 24mm?

David Edge's picture
by David Edge
November 15, 2012 - 7:59pm


You can create some smart albums for EXIF: Focal range: greater than X AND Focal range: less than or equal to Y.

I analysed my half-decent street photos that way and got this result:

<=24mm 28
24-32 49
32-44 42
44-70 46
70-110 39
>=110 117

which blew away the case for buying a Leica :(

There’s a tool in the shop - Aperture Inspector which can do this for the whole library, not sure if it can do it on subsets - for me it was important to restrict the analysis to street photos 3* and over.



Jim Burgess's picture
by Jim Burgess
November 18, 2012 - 10:36pm

There is also a kind of a “brute-force” approach…use list view.

Add the lens and focal length fields to the list view, then sort by those columns and eyeball or count the entries.

Unfortunately, there’s no way to export the data. The “export metadata” feature is crippled by the fact that the fields that get exported is fixed by design. You have no control over what fields get exported beyond what Aperture thinks you should have.

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