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Newest Uploads Disappearing #1
Brian Holliday's picture
by Brian Holliday
February 24, 2013 - 1:05pm

I am having an issue with Aperture 3 (current update version) I have a library that I have used for quite some time with no problems. The other day I loaded some pictures did all the metadata etc. and went about my day. A few days later I opened Aperture again and it said there were inconsistencies in my library and click repair to repair them. So I did. It reverted back to an old version with my files out of order and the newest few sets of photos missing. I restored from the vault and it was the same as it was before the restore. I have a fairly redundant backup system, so I uploaded the missing images again, changed all the key photos for each project etc. Then I updated the vault again and the little symbol turned grey indicating it was up to date. Then a few days later I uploaded another shoot. The next day when I opened Aperture it reverted back to that previous status with the newest uploaded projects missing and my key photos all wrong again. So I then uploaded everything again got it all set and working, created a new vault all together, updated it with all the new photos and keywords etc. I then completely deleted the old vault thinking it was linking somehow to that and pulling outdated info about my library. It worked for two days and now today I come back and open Aperture and again I am back at the old version of my library with the last 3 imports missing and my key photos all wrong again for all the existing projects. I am at a loss for what to do at this point and am looking for any help I can get. I obviously cannot continue to work this way with projects constantly disappearing. If anyone has any advice or direction I could look on this one I would really appreciate it.

David  Moore's picture
by David Moore
February 25, 2013 - 12:23am

That is weird! You sure you have only one lib and that you are not opening another one by accident. If that was the case I say preferences and cache need dumping. Do you think your HD is going bad? Have you have tried all the things in FAQ , especially SMC, Pram, Safety boot, and Fsck to rule out the basic stuff. You have a tough one, Ill be watching this thread for the answer hopefully someone or you will discover shortly.
cheers dbm
Twitter= @davidbmoore
Scottsdale AZ

Brian Holliday's picture
by Brian Holliday
February 25, 2013 - 2:16am

So after reading a few other places, it sounds like it is likely that my Library is corrupted somewhere. So last night I created a new library all together and restored that new library from my most recent vault. So far that seems to be working, but I wont know for sure until it works for several days without issue. In the meantime I imported my most recent project that I am in the middle of working on into Lightroom to work on it there until I can make sure the issue is resolved. Thank goodness for redundant backups.

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