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Does Aperture update a referenced library? #1
David Abbott's picture
by David Abbott
March 7, 2013 - 1:00pm

Hi, I just discovered this site, it looks like a pretty good source of info for Aperture. I'll be coming back on a frequent basis. I have a problem that I can't figure out:

I'm using Aperture 3.4.3, I have all my photos and video clips in a managed library currently about 302GB. It works quite well thank you, but I'm thinking of changing all of it to a referenced library for two reasons. First, I will probably move it all to an external drive so as it continues to grow, I won't run out of primary HD space (not a problem for a while). Second, I want to mirror the library to the cloud so I have an offsite backup as well as the onsite copy I now make to an external HD. The problem is that the library at 302GB exceeds my upload limit with Comcast. When I try to upload, it stops at about 50GB. I figure that if I change to a referenced library, I can upload subsets of my folders over time so I don't exceed Comcast's limits.

So now to my question/problem: I setup a little test library with subfolders and a photo in each subfolder, imported it into Aperture as a referenced project, all went well - I can see the photos just fine. However, when I move a photo from one subfolder to another within Aperture, the photo is not moved within the referenced folders. Aperture shows zero photos in one folder and two photos in the other, while the referenced library still has the photos in the original locations. I end up with unacceptable out of sync libraries.

I often reorganize my projects, so this is not an acceptable situation. If I do my reorganizing in the referenced library, how do I update Aperture so it is synced with the new structure? Is there a better way to approach this whole problem? Perhaps I'm not seeing the forest for the trees. Sorry if this post has gotten too wordy, I don't know how to explain my question without all the background.

Thomas Emmerich's picture
by Thomas Emmerich
March 7, 2013 - 2:39pm

When you have a reference library, Aperture never moves the originals without you specifically telling it to. If you want to move the originals you should use the Relocate Originals… command from Aperture’s File menu. The Relocate Originals command has some options for where to move and how to organize your originals. (Note: select the images you want to move first before selecting the command in Aperture)

If you were to move the originals using the Finder, Aperture may lose the connection to them.


David Abbott's picture
by David Abbott
March 7, 2013 - 4:43pm

Thomas, thanks for the info. I tried what you described and it did indeed move the photo to the new folder as seen in the Finder. However, the Aperture library still shows the photo in its original location! I tried this twice with two different photos from two different folders. They all show up in the new location in the Finder but not in Aperture. I don’t know if I’ve stumbled onto a bug or I’m doing something wrong. (Note, when the photos are moved, they are put into a new subfolder within the target folder in the Finder, a little annoying since I now have to move them out of the subfolder which may mess up the linking.)

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