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Live Training Session 107


Live Training Session 107

Duration: 01:09 hr

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In this video, learn how to use and get the most from Aperture's keywords!

Here's the list of topics covered, roughly in this order. There was a lot of jumping around, but a ton of info was covered!

  • Keyword HUD
  • Info Tab
  • Keyword Sets & Button Bar
  • Adding a New Keyword
  • Editing Keywords
  • Moving Keywords
  • Removing Keywords
  • Hierarchical Keywords (Understanding, Advantages, Expansion)
  • Metadata Views
  • Primary Only
  • Searching Keywords
  • Keywords from Different Categories
  • Smart Albums and Keywords
  • Keyboard Shortcuts (Buttons and Customizing)

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Live Training Session 107

Duration: 01:09 hr

Become a member and get unlimited streaming and heavily discounted downloads of premium content, and 20% off discounts most items in the store!

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