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  • Released: 2012/06/12
    2:08 hr

    Aperture 3.3 Explored

    Live Training Session 021

    This is a different session than normal, as we took on a live panel to discuss and explore Aperture 3.3 together. It’s over two hours long, and is the first deep look at the new features in Aperture 3.3.

  • Released: 2012/05/13
    1:05 hr


    Live Training Session 019

    This session covers what you need to know to create and edit a book in Aperture 3.

  • Released: 2012/04/19
    0:48 hr


    Live Training Session 018

    This session covers everything you'll find in the Export menu, including Versions, Masters, Metadata and 3rd party plugins.

  • Released: 2012/03/20
    0:58 hr


    Live Training Session 017

    In this video we covered everything there is to know about Places in Aperture 3.

  • Released: 2012/03/06
    0:55 hr

    This is the seventh video in a long series about Adjustments in Aperture 3, covering Dodge & Burn, but more importantly, explaining how brushes work.

  • Released: 2012/02/23
    1:04 hr

    This is the seventh video in a long series about Adjustments in Aperture 3, covering Dodge & Burn, but more importantly, explaining how brushes work.

  • Released: 2012/02/13
    0:55 hr

    Adjustments; Retouching

    Live Training Session 014

    This is the sixth video in a long series about Adjustments in Aperture 3, exclusively about the Retouching tool.

  • Released: 2012/01/25
    0:46 hr

    This was a last minute “Special Session” where I discussed how to use 3rd party apps within Aperture.

  • Released: 2011/11/29
    0:37 hr

    Adjustments; Color and B&W

    Live Training Session 012

    This is the fifth video in a long series about Adjustments in Aperture 3, covering both the Color and the Black & White adjustments.

  • Released: 2011/10/08
    1:03 hr

    Adjustments; Curves

    Live Training Session 011

    This is the fourth video in a long series about Adjustments in Aperture 3. This one's all about Curves… and like those robots that turn into cars, there's more than meets the eye!

  • Released: 2011/08/04
    0:47 hr

    Adjustments; Levels

    Live Training Session 010

    This is the third video in a long series about Adjustments in Aperture 3. This one's all about Levels… and there's a lot to cover!

  • Released: 2011/07/16
    0:40 hr

    This is the second video in a long series about Adjustments in Aperture 3, covering the White Balance and the Highlights & Shadows tool.



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