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Lightroom for Aperture Users: Books

Live Training Session 213

Lightroom for Aperture Users: Books

Live Training Session 213

Duration: 01:11 hr

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Who doesn't love a great big photo book in their hands? Don't let your pictures suffer in the dark just as pixels… bring them to life with a beautiful, tangible book!

The book module in Lightroom is quite impressive. It goes beyond what Aperture had in terms of customizability, and is arguably easier to use. In this session, we'll dig through all the settings including…

  • Blurb vs PDF vs JPEG books
  • Auto Layout — how to really get the most from automation
  • Page numbering, guides and cell padding
  • Text and Type — how to apply, adjust, and reposition
  • Backgrounds — use a photo, use a color, use an illustration. Apply everywhere or just to individual pages!

Also at the end, regular viewer Florian called in over Skype and shared an experience with the viewers that we'll all want to watch out for. Plus he tried to explain a way to sample colors from anywhere in the scene that wasn't quite working, but we figured it out offline — and you can view that as an additional tip at PhotoApps.Expert/LT213bonus

Watch it now…

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Lightroom for Aperture Users: Books

Live Training Session 213

Duration: 01:11 hr

Become a member and get unlimited streaming and heavily discounted downloads of premium content, and 20% off discounts most items in the store!

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