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Check Out The New “User Tips” Section!

PhotoJoseph's picture
May 29, 2010 - 8:27pm

I’ve just created a new “User Tips” section to this site (look for it in the toolbar), where readers like you can post your invaluable Aperture tips for the community to enjoy. Head on over and check it out, and be the first to post!

My first suggestion for a new topic would be on migrating from iPhoto… I know a lot of users out there have done it, and I haven’t! So let’s hear what you went through, what went right and wrong, and help out some newbies in their migration.

It’s an experiment, and I hope it works ;-)

Apple Aperture

I am still not sure if I should start afresh with Aperture 3; and keep my 20 000 photos on iPhotos; as the libraries can be seen from either iPhoto or Aperture, or if I should go through the process of updating/upgrading to Aperture 3. Apart from Calendars, what can be done on iPhoto which is not possible with Aperture 3?.

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