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Podcast Down Again… Changing Providers

PhotoJoseph's picture
July 15, 2011 - 4:19am

For those that have written in, I’m sorry about the podcast being offline. Many may not have noticed since I haven’t published a new one in a while, but that’s because I’ve been debating with, the former host, on my “show”. Apparently it’s against their terms of service to post promotional material on there, and since I was posting trailers for my Live Training mixed in with the podcasts, I was violating their TOS.


Aperture 3.1.3 Update Released

PhotoJoseph's picture
July 15, 2011 - 3:07am

Apple released a small update to Aperture yesterday, bring the current version to 3.1.3. It’s available from Software Update, or for those who purchased on the Mac App Store, you should see it in there under Updates.


The Processing… Processing… Problem

PhotoJoseph's picture
July 4, 2011 - 1:40pm

Endless thumbnail redraw

Have you ever encountered a situation where if you go into an older project that you haven’t been in for a while, you notice that the thumbnails aren’t quite ready, and even though they draw reasonably quickly, Aperture as a whole seems to slow down for a while?


Adjustments; Exposure and Enhance

Live Training Session 008

This is the first video in a long series about Adjustments in Aperture 3; starting with a deep dive into the Exposure and Enhance tools.

Duration: 00:40 hr
Included with membership


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