Making of the Beauty After Breast Cancer Book
In honor of Breast Cancer Awareness Month, we'll kick off October with a chat about my book, Beauty After Breast Cancer.
In honor of Breast Cancer Awareness Month, we'll kick off October with a chat about my book, Beauty After Breast Cancer.
The iPhone 7 Plus has dual cameras — and now you can access both the wide and telephoto lenses with Lightroom Mobile.
Today's Photo Moment… let's have a look at the new in-camera FOCUS STACKING feature on the GX85!
Printing is a beautifully thing. And fortunately, the Print module in Lightroom is pretty robust! Plus did you know you can use the Print model as a layout tool for your webpage?
We explore the new features in Photos 2 on macOS Sierra and iOS 10 — in a planned, proper fashion. Unlike last week's “first look”, here we (mostly) know what to expect and to explore.
People have asked: Why Mirrorless?
PhotoJoseph discusses his “Sculpture Series”, a photography print collection of black and white nudes made to resemble statues, printed on high-quality thick sheets of acrylic.