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The ApertureExpert is on Holiday!

PhotoJoseph's picture
April 14, 2011 - 4:29am

Just a little note to all ApertureExpert readers… I’m officially on vacation for the next week and change, and will not be posting during that time. For my most regular readers, if you can help out in the forums as much as possible I’d certainly appreciate it, and look forward to catching up soon!

-Joseph @ApertureExpert


Smart Albums & Search

Live Training Session 004

In the fourth Live Training session, we dug into Aperture’s search capabilities.

Duration: 00:39 hr
Included with membership

Filing Photos with the Copyright Office

PhotoJoseph's picture
April 8, 2011 - 7:54am

For the professionals out there, or anyone who has a financial interest in their photographs, you’ve heard it as many times as I have—“yes you own the copyright the moment you press the shutter, BUT if you have to take someone to court, you’re better off having it registered with the Copyright office”. I’ve been advised that most attorneys won’t even touch your case if you don’t have a copyright registration. Of course, if you have a registration, I’ve also been advised that any violator will almost certainly settle out of court—it’s virtually impossible for them to win.

I finally decided to register a collection of images after my recent shoot at NASA’s JPL in Pasadena, of the Mars rover “Curiosity” (see the photos and more on my photo blog). I shot at the request of, but within hours of posting I had requests from The Daily and MSNBC to use the images, too. Then Gizmodo grabbed one and cut my copyright off of it, which really made me go “enough’s enough… I gotta do this”. (They have since fixed it; they put the watermark back on and added a photo credit—but not without being told to do so. Shoddy journalism.)

I’m a member of ASMP and subscribe to their ASMPadvice mailing list, and when I first started to work through the copyright submission process and had questions, I posted them there. As usual the folks on the list were fantastic, and I got my answers and succeeded in my first submission. I used Aperture to generate the contact sheet that I submitted, and spent some time figuring out a good way to do that, so that’s what I want to share here.

The Basics

Online copyright submission is handled at—just click on the “eCO Login” icon (electronic Copyright Office) to get started. You’ll need to create a free account if you don’t already have one.


Aperture, Related

PhotoJoseph's picture
March 31, 2011 - 4:59am

My friend David Schloss over at MacCreate has recently launched a new photo store, called (great URL, huh?). They sell all kinds of photo-related products, including some pretty unusual pieces.


Folders & Projects & Albums, Oh My!

Live Training Session 003

In the third Live Training session, we dug into understanding Folders, Projects and Albums, as well as touching on Smart Albums, Stacks and Versions!

Duration: 00:50 hr
Included with membership

Aperture 3.1.2 Released—Includes Many iPhoto Import Fixes

PhotoJoseph's picture
March 23, 2011 - 5:30am

tis the season…

Following closely on the Mac OS X 10.6.7 update from last night that added additional RAW camera support (among other non-Aperture related fixes, of course), today Apple released Aperture 3.1.2. Reading through the updates, the most prominent fixes are all related to importing from iPhoto—no doubt in response to the massive influx of new Aperture users following the recent price-drop of Aperture 3 to just $79. All those new iPhoto users must have been submitting some pretty good bug and crash reports :)

Check out the fixes below, and I know many users have reported these exact issues on this site. If you are so inclined to re-import to take advantage of these fixes, do let us know!

Here’s the list of fixes, and you can read the official version here.



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