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Aperture 3.3 Explored

Live Training Session 021

This is a different session than normal, as we took on a live panel to discuss and explore Aperture 3.3 together. It’s over two hours long, and is the first deep look at the new features in Aperture 3.3.

Duration: 02:08 hr
Included with membership

A Quick Look at Some of the Changes in the Adjustment Panel

Thomas Boyd's picture
June 12, 2012 - 5:58am

Take a look at some obvious changes in the adjustment bricks:

The most obvious is the new Professional Auto Enhance button. This is the single most significant change to the way will start adjusting images. I can’t imagine very many situation where you wouldn’t want to start there, just to see what it does. If it looks good, move on! Next!

Brushable white balance opens a lot of creative possibilities.


Aperture 3.3 Software Update Ready to Download

Thomas Boyd's picture
June 12, 2012 - 5:35am

When booting up Aperture 3.3 for the first time it prompts you to update iPhoto as well. When you do the App Store appears.

If you launch 3.2 library it will upgrade the library.

Aperture 3.3 is ready to install via the Software Update.


Reaction to Updated Aperture

Thomas Boyd's picture
June 12, 2012 - 4:16am


First off, this doesn’t appear to be Aperture 4, but nonetheless is a significant update.

Optimized for Retina Display

This is great for the lucky ones that are going to buy a new MacBookPro. I’m not one fo those. I have a very new MBP that will have to last me for a few more years. Having said that, I’m very curious to see how photos look. I expect it will be magnificent.


Aperture 3 Updated!

PhotoJoseph's picture
June 12, 2012 - 4:05am

It’s not the 4.0 we’ve been waiting for but here we go…

  • Retina Display Support
  • Aperture and iPhoto Unified Library
  • Advanced White Balance
  • Improved Highlights and Shadows
  • Professional Auto Enhance
  • Fast Browsing

Full description here: What’s New

More to come soon…


Something is Coming…

PhotoJoseph's picture
June 12, 2012 - 3:04am

Watching WWDC live and there was a reference to a new Aperture while showing off the MacBook Pro Retina Display.

Things are looking up…


Files Exported from Aperture 3 Keep Their Color Labels

Thomas Boyd's picture
June 2, 2012 - 12:00am

If you haven’t used Color Labels in Aperture much, you may not know that the color stay with the image file even after they are imported. This can come in handy when you are looking at the images in the Finder.

Oddly, they do not show up in all other photo viewing apps, like Photo Mechanic. However, Star Ratings from Aperture will show up in Photo Mechanic.



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