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Susan Mayne

- 0 tips
- 19 forum posts
- 40 forum responses
- Member for
- 12 years 11 months
Recent Forum Posts
- renaming files on import with Joseph's naming convention - 2016/02/03
- Can you search Lightroom for the name of a Folder? - 2015/05/10
- Lightroom CC - Time to jump onboard? - 2015/04/21
- Unable to keyword multiple images - 2014/11/09
- Vaults - Continue or Abandon? - 2014/10/06
Recent Comments
- That was useful! Very useful!! Thank you ... - 09/27/2016
- This makes me happy! Susan - 04/16/2016
- I guess you’ll still be my guru! Good luck... - 07/09/2015
- “Live Training Can Now Begin” joseph-how... - 06/19/2015
- Joseph, thank you, thank you, thank you!!! I... - 04/26/2015
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