
Building a Custom Set

Have you ever considered building your own custom setup for product photography or a video shoot?


Massive Homemade Photo Grid

In this Photo Moment, PhotoJoseph proudly displays his homemade (super massive) photo display grid and explains how you can make one too! 


Understanding Lens Flare

Have you ever wondered how lens flare occurs and how to avoid it? In this Photo Moment, PhotoJoseph explains lens flare and some tips to keep your photos clear and flare–free.


Behind the Photo

In today's Photo Moment, PhotoJoseph takes us behind the scenes while he recreates ta photo for a discussion of white balance, color correction, lighting and post-processing for portraiture.


Image Size for Online Sharing

Have you ever wanted to know how to size images for Facebook and Instagram sharing while maintaining their visual quality?


Facebook Live Portable Setup

Joseph explains the details of Facebook live sharing and all of the gear involved in a portable, smartphone-centric rig. 


Workshop: Oaxacan Light Tour

The Oaxacan Light Tour is a cultural Photography tour of Oaxaca Mexico led by Joseph Linaschke and Eric Mindling. Participants will be learning landscape photography, portraiture, and more through an experiential tour of Oaxaca. 


Photography 101 with Lynda.com

Lynda.com is an amazing online learning library. In this Photo Moment, PhotoJoseph describes the unique points of his Photography 101 course, available to Lynda.com subscribers at PhotoJoseph.com/Lynda101 — get your own 10-day free trial at PhotoJoseph.com/Lynda!


Easy Release Model Release iOS App

EasyRelease is an app for model releases, designed to be an efficient tool for professional and amateur photographers alike. In this PhotoJoseph Photo Moment, Joseph demonstrates the app and the many easy ways to use it.


Atomos Ninja Assassin

PhotoJoseph demonstrates the incredible capabilities of the Atomos Ninja Assassin.



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