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Consolidating RAW & JPG and setting RAW as master. #1
Chris Gebhardt's picture
by Chris Gebhardt
July 9, 2010 - 12:16am

I have imported my iPhoto library into Aperture 3 and am trying to consolidate the JPG and RAW like when importing directly from my D90. When importing originally I do not believe that I was given the choice to import and keep RAW as master. Is there a way to do this post import?


PhotoJoseph's picture
by PhotoJoseph
July 10, 2010 - 1:52pm


Unfortunately the iPhoto transition is a weak area for me… I really need to study up on it.

Tell me this though… do you see both your RAW and JPEG files now? Are they stacked or separate?

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Thomas Emmerich's picture
by Thomas Emmerich
August 1, 2010 - 1:34pm

When you import a RAW into iPhoto, it puts the RAW file in its Originals folder and creates a JPEG preview which is stores in its Modified folder. When you import an iPhoto library into Aperture, it seems to dump everything - both Original and Modified. Aperture treats these two as separate files. There doesn’t appear to be a way for Aperture to make them a RAW+JPEG pair after the fact. The same thing happens with a JPEG file you import into iPhoto and then modify. You get two copies in Aperture.

The RAW+JPEG pair options in Aperture are nice but a little limited. Once you import a pair, you cannot seem to delete one without the other. It’s a permanent marriage. I found this out when I bought my Canon T2i before Aperture supported it. I imported RAW+JPEG so that I could use the JPEG files until RAW support was provided. Once RAW was supported, there’s no way to delete the JPEG file without deleting the whole pair.


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