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Pink on Photos #1
Hunter White's picture
by Hunter White
October 10, 2010 - 6:35am

So when I open Aperture, I go into a project and try to look at my photos in the split view and after about 5 seconds of loading the picture in the viewer will do one of a few things. It will either turn pink over half of the photo, rendering that half of the picture no longer visible; repeat one quarter of the photo over itself on the opposite corner; or it will take a different photo and take a section of that over the original. Sometimes it is a mix of the two. In the thumbnails none of the pictures are doing this. I've tried almost everything from deleting the program and re-installing it, switching users and creating a whole new library and uploading new pictures and it still does it. I'm using a 2010 MacBook with all updated software. I just want to be able to se my photos…

Morten Scheel's picture
by Morten Scheel
October 11, 2010 - 3:02am

Hi Hunter.

I don’t know the answer to your question, but the last time I saw a half-pink photo it was because my hard drive was failing and the image file was corrupted. Since your laptop is brand new, that’s probably not your problem, but it might be a good moment to make sure everything is backed up anyway. I ignored the half-pink photos and I still weep for the thousands of photos I’ll never see again.
Are your images also pink in other apps like Preview?

Morten Scheel

PhotoJoseph's picture
by PhotoJoseph
October 12, 2010 - 7:30pm


Welcome to and thanks for bringing the conversation over from Twitter… it was getting a little long for there :-)

Morten could be on the right track; it could be a dying hard drive, or also a dying graphics card. What happens when you export a version of the same photo; does it render out correctly, or do you see the same artifacts?

Everything you see on screen in Aperture is rendered in real-time by the graphics card, which is why I say it could be related to that. If when you export the image, it’s fine, then chances are very good your graphics card is dying. You said it’s a 2010 MacBook, so that’s good… still under warranty.

I believe your MacBook came with a hardware diagnostics DVD. You can run that and see if it reports any errors with the card.

Other thoughts…

The only software related thing you haven’t tried is to reinstall the operating system. That’s worth a try as well, and if no errors are showing up in the hardware test, probably the next thing Apple would tell you to do.

In the even it’s hard drive related, try building a new library on an external FW drive (or USB2 if that’s all you have; it’s slow but fine for the test). Create a brand new library, import some photos and see what happens.

Let us know how you get on with all that!

-Joseph @ApertureExpert

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Bart Podraza's picture
by Bart Podraza
August 28, 2013 - 5:43pm

Hi Guys!

I know it’s been almost 3 years since you had this conversation but maybe my case will help someone else.

So I’m opening Aperture on my iMac today and 8 out of 3000 photos I have are completely pink. At first I checked if it’s only Aperture’s issue. I’ve exported a corrupted original and tried to open it in Preview. Same thing happened. Then I figured maybe it’s Mac OS related problem so I opened it in Photoshop and bam! Photo looks great. Then I realized that 4 days ago Apple has released a Digital Camera RAW Compatibility Update. To check if it’s the update’s issue I tried to open the same file on my Macbook which hasn’t been updated yet and guess what? File looks great in both Aperture and Preview. Hope Apple release a bug fix soon :)

Hope this’ll help :)

– Bart

PS It seems kinda odd that only 8 out of 3000 photos behave that way. And it isn’t related to specific lens or a camera I own. Most of the photos I took come from Nikon’s 18-55VR kit lens mounted on Nikon D5100 body including the corrupted 8. If it was camera or lens specific issue I would expect more photos to come out looking like Pink Panther ;)

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