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Favorites No Longer Works in Browser #1
Dudley Warner's picture
by Dudley Warner
March 22, 2011 - 10:40pm

With other versions of Aperture I was able to designate some projects as Favorites and remove others from Favorites as I needed to. Using the most current version, Favorites no longer works correctly. When I select Favorites, I am able to get some projects to no longer appear, but not all. I would appreciate any help in fixing this problem.

Thanks -

Dudley Warner

Dudley Warner
WARNER Photography

PhotoJoseph's picture
by PhotoJoseph
March 23, 2011 - 1:40am


Normally in a case like this, it’s due to a corrupt preference. Unfortunately there doesn’t appear to be a specific preference file for the favorites in the ~/Library/Application Support/ folder, which is where I’d normally have you look to delete something.

It may be stored in the general preferences file, which means you may need to remove that file and reset all of your preferences. You may want to note (or take screen shots) of every preference pane, then go to ~/Library/Preferences/ and delete the file I’d move that plist to the desktop and relaunch, try the favorites and see if it works now, and if so, proceed to reset the rest of your preferences. If it doesn’t help, then quit, remove the new plist in preferences, put your old one back in place, and launch again. Then let us know, so we can try to figure out where the “favorites” is stored.

good luck,
-Joseph @ApertureExpert

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Dudley Warner's picture
by Dudley Warner
March 23, 2011 - 7:43pm

Joseph -

Thanks for the response. Your advice made sense, but before deleting all my preferences, I tried one more time to see if I could get Favorites to work. I wound up removing all Favorites which took about 1/2 hour since even when I would select that choice, they would still display. Finally after multiple times, I was able to get them all removed. I then added projects back into Favorites, and now everything seems to be working. Again, I appreciate your help.


Dudley Warner
WARNER Photography

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