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Presets slow to process #1
Jenn Richardson's picture
by Jenn Richardson
April 12, 2011 - 2:11am

Hi I am a new dslr owner so basically I am at a pre school level with all of this. I have learned most of the “basics” in aperture and use a new Macbook. I have noticed in Aperture when I edit with a preset or texture it takes forever for the pic to process and show the edit. Any ideas. I dont have a large library by most standards maybe a few hundred images.

PhotoJoseph's picture
by PhotoJoseph
May 1, 2011 - 8:01am


Where exactly are you seeing the slow-down? Is it once you’ve selected the preset and are just waiting for it to apply, or is it as Florian suggested, and when you actually switch to the Adjustments tab?

Florian is absolutely right; when you have a lot of presets installed, it will slow down switching tabs in Aperture. It’s bizarre but I’ve made Apple aware of the issue.

If it’s simply that it seems to take a long time to apply the adjustment, it could just be the speed of your computer. You have a MacBook, not a MacBook Pro, correct? What type of camera are you shooting with; do you know how large the camera files are? It could simply be a case of big file, slower computer, I’m sorry to say.

You can help move things along by ensuring nothing else is running except Aperture when you are in a serious editing session.

-Joseph @ApertureExpert

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Florian Cortese's picture
by Florian Cortese
April 12, 2011 - 5:58am

If you have a lot pf presets especially from different sites, like Mac Create, thepaertureblog, AE-you’ll get the spinning beach ball when you click on Metadata or Adjustments tab when you first start out. Once you are by that , it is pretty quick and responsive. At least I have found that out. I am thinking of thinning down my presets, since I only really use a few of them. If you save them in your finder (Macs) or on your desktop, you can always reload them later. Hope this helps.


Florian Cortese

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