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More Changing Date/Time on Scanned Images #1
Rob 50's picture
by Rob 50
August 25, 2011 - 11:11pm

I have images scanned on widely different dates. Using the Change Date and Time doesn't get many of them close because of the time shift.

I've read the previous conversations on this subject and can't figure out how to lift and stamp the EXIF date.
I can change, lift, and stamp the IPTC core “date created” but this doesn't seem to change the EXIF date that appears under the Metadata>General tab.

Is there a way to lift and stamp the EXIF date?

Also, I don't really understand the difference between the IPTC core date created and the EXIF date. How can there be two dates for the same image?
Thanks, Rob

PhotoJoseph's picture
by PhotoJoseph
August 26, 2011 - 6:25am


You can’t lift and stamp EXIF data, only IPTC.

The difference is that EXIF is created by the camera, at the moment of capture, and is meant to not be changed. This includes exposure information and the time of capture. Being that this “time of capture” could be totally wrong because the user didn’t set it right, it is one of the few EXIF fields that is able to be changed in Aperture.

IPTC “date created” is different because if you create a new version, it inherits that date. It’s when that version was created, vs the EXIF of when the original image was created.

Anyway in Aperture, the only way to batch change the EXIF date is, as you saw, with the time shift.

If that isn’t going to work for you, google “EXIF editor Mac” and you will likely find a few 3rd party tools you can use. Once the date has been changed, go back to Aperture and select menu Metadata > Update from Master and the new EXIF date will be loaded into Aperture.

-Joseph @ApertureExpert

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Rob 50's picture
by Rob 50
August 26, 2011 - 9:40am


A very helpful reply, much appreciated. Thank you!


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