Situation: referenced library, some photos deleted outside aperture, deleted from the referenced drives.
So, the aperture library now shows photos without the real photo exist on any drive.
What is the best way to find photos with broken links/nonexisting photos and to delete the photos/previews inside aperture ?
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Delete photos with broken link ?
Easy. Go to the Photos view (shows all photos in the Library), and do a search (click the mag glass in the top right corner). Add the criteria “File Status” and set it to “offline”. That should get all offline and missing, but you can check missing as well afterwards. [screenshot]
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Solved !
Smart albums is a real gem :-)
Oh….Thanks Joseph….did not see your reply before my “solved”-post…
But in the end it´s more or less the same solution.
Right. Same search tools. One is temporary, one is always there to check back on!
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