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EXIF Data stopped importing automatically #1
Chris Wells's picture
by Chris Wells
April 27, 2012 - 6:52pm

I bought a new Mac 27” last month, and after I transferred everything from my old Mac to it, I noticed that Aperture ceased including EXIF data automatically when I imported new photos from any camera. Since then I have been manually adding the EXIF data to files by using the “Update from Master” command from the Metadata tab. What do I need to do to return to the old system of having the EXIF data appear automatically for all imported photos?


PhotoJoseph's picture
by PhotoJoseph
April 28, 2012 - 1:49am


so when you import, the EXIF just isn’t showing up in the Metadata tab until you manually refresh it? Weird.

Repair permissions and repair library if you haven’t already. And/or create a new library and import into that, see if you get the same problems.

Check the FAQ for instructions if you’re not sure how to do these things.


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Chris Wells's picture
by Chris Wells
April 29, 2012 - 3:41am

Thanks, Joseph. I tried all three repairs, to no effect. I’ve again imported photos from three different cameras, and the EXIF data appears only after I manually update it. It does allow me to update the whole import folder at once after I “Select All” photos in it.

I have about 15,000 photos in this library in a couple hundred folders. Do I risk anything by creating new one?


Chris Wells's picture
by Chris Wells
April 29, 2012 - 4:07am

One other thing, Joseph. I just discovered that the “Update” approach to finding the EXIF data is not sticky. Every time I re-open the folder, I have to re-update the EXIF data if I want to see it.


David  Moore's picture
by David Moore
April 29, 2012 - 5:23am

You can drag your plist file ( to the desktop and restart the computer. this is located in your Home Lib so you may have to go to the finder and hold down the option key while pressing on the Go Menue of the Finder Bar. So then go to preferences and look for that file.
Twitter= @davidbmoore
Scottsdale AZ

Chris Wells's picture
by Chris Wells
April 29, 2012 - 10:43am

DBMoore: I followed that suggestion (and found the same on the Apple Support site). No cure. Still does not bring up EXIF data without “Update from Master” command, and then the data does not stick. I have to update from master for all photo files imported since I got the new Mac. It seems there out to be a preference selection for doing that automatically. Clearly Aperture is importing the EXIF data, but it is simply hiding it until I make a specific request.


PhotoJoseph's picture
by PhotoJoseph
April 30, 2012 - 12:06pm


Aperture lets you have as many Libraries as you want. When you create a new one, you can switch back to the old one at any time. Go to menu File > Switch to Library > Other/New… and create a new one. Just call it “test” or something and put it on the desktop so you can find it and trash it later. Import new photos and see what happens.

When you want to switch back to your original library, go to the File > Switch to Library again and you should see your original one listed. If you don’t, open Other/New again and you’ll see it listed there. Your original library probably lives in your ~/Pictures folder.

Let us know how the test goes and we’ll advise from there.

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