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force quit aperture now library inconsistencies #1
stump4545's picture
by stump4545
October 3, 2012 - 3:27am

my 1 year old imac has been acting strange, losing connection with my external hd, not completing time machines backups because my external hd disappears, and sometimes aperture gets stuck with the beach ball icon. i have to force quit shutdown my cpu with power button in the back and lately i have been getting the repair aperture library due to inconsistencies, i do it, and works fine before all these things happen again.

should i Rebuild my aperture library?

is there a problem with my aperture library, or is this an operating system problem?

please advise. thank you.

PhotoJoseph's picture
by PhotoJoseph
October 11, 2012 - 8:40am

Agreed with Grant and David, I think that your issues are beyond the Aperture library, but they are affecting the Library. You need to get your Mac in order. Consider a clean OS install as well… there are loads of tips on things you can do to clean up your Mac, which are beyond the scope of this site but are rampant around the interwebs. A little googling for “OS X maintenance” should put you in the right direction.

IMHO avoid MacKeeper. Maybe others will disagree, but I don’t think it’s well made software and frankly I can’t stand their marketing practices. I don’t like companies that work very hard to make their ads look like they are part of the host website or use scare tactics to get you to install. And once installed, it’s like a virus — it’s extremely hard to get rid of it.

— Have you signed up for the mailing list?

David  Moore's picture
by David Moore
October 3, 2012 - 5:41am

Never hurts, AFAIK, to rebuild and repair the library. Also general maintenance to the mac won’t hurt, may not do anything either but worth a try….. boot in safe mode and restart, reset pram and smc, restart in single user mode and do the fsck thing. See Josephs notes in FAQ. cheers
Twitter= @davidbmoore
Scottsdale AZ

stump4545's picture
by stump4545
October 3, 2012 - 7:34am

so there is no harm in Rebuilding library?

just want to make sure before i opt to rebuild.

thanks a lot.

gfsymon's picture
by gfsymon
October 3, 2012 - 5:36pm

I don’t think it’s a problem with Aperture or your system. It sounds like the HD has issues.

Restart your Mac holding down the Option (Alt) key and choose to run from the Recovery disk. Choose Disk Utility and run repair on your ext HD.

Make sure you have backups that are not damaged.

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