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Multiple quick brushes? #1
Matt M's picture
by Matt M
July 13, 2012 - 1:08am

(Tried searching the forums as I know this has to have been asked and answered before, but I must be using the wrong keywords)
I find myself wanting to add multiple quick brush effects to the same areas of images and am getting really sick of brushing over the same areas….for example: right now I'm editing an image of my wife and daughter on a brick path right now and just brushed in some definition into the bricks and now want to brush in the dodge adjustment but don't want to redo the brushing.
How do I apply the dodge effect to the area I just brushed the definition into?

Thanks in advance for any suggestions

Matt M's picture
by Matt M
July 17, 2012 - 6:57am

yes Michael, that’s exactly what I WANT to do….I find it really silly that I can’t just brush in definition and the dodge adjustment at the same time! REALLY slows me down having to brush the same area of the photo twice and end up getting lazy with the second brush out of frustration and don’t do it as cleanly as the 1st.

Michael Ball's picture
by Michael Ball
July 17, 2012 - 7:49am

Yeah, I can very easily see how useful that would be! I guess it’s something to hope for in the next update. :)

Michael Ball's picture
by Michael Ball
July 13, 2012 - 7:31am

If I understand correctly, you just want to apply the same brush shape but again with a different brush type to the image, right?
Unfortunately, I’m not sure if there’s a way to do this. The only thing I know of which is similar is the ability to save a brush preset and apply the same pattern / mask to other images, but that’s on a pre-brush basis, but you still have t do the work for each brush and the pattern would be the same for every shot which isn’t generally useful.

This might be something that would be worth writing a feature request for. Apple could pretty easily implement by modifying the way the handle quick brushes.

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