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Automatically adding keywords when External Editors used? #1
Stuart Burrill's picture
by Stuart Burrill
November 3, 2012 - 8:14pm

I'm sure many moons ago in Aperture 2 when I trialled Silver Efex Pro that it automatically added a keyword “SFX-Pro” to the image I'd edited. I would really like to have this capability as I use the Nik suite quite a bit as well as CS5 & Perfect Resize 7. Sometimes I cannot remember if I've used Nik Sharpener for example.

I'm sure I never dreamt the auto-keywording. Did it exist? Maybe it was something NIK did? Is there a way to do this within Aperture?


PhotoJoseph's picture
by PhotoJoseph
November 7, 2012 - 3:43am


I’ve been using Nik for many years and I don’t have any photos with the keyword “SFX-Pro” in my entire library. Is that the exact keyword? Seems odd that they would shorten it like that. I also searched for keywords containing “nik” or “silver” and came up empty.

Sounds like it was something you were adding manually…

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