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Inconsistencies Then Quits #1
Steve Benkovich's picture
by Steve Benkovich
February 22, 2013 - 7:00am

Lately Aperture has been quitting on me followed with a pop up stating it has detected a inconsistencies. Then recommends “repairing library database”. I click repair because I have no choice but to do it. Aperture won't open unless I do it.
This has happened about 4 times in the past 2 weeks. Prior to this I had a strange welcome to Aperture 3.4.3, which I've had for about a month. I had to go ahead and follow the pop up to do something with my library (sorry I don't remember what it said). But ever since it's been quitting only to open after I repair library database.
I use the latest Aperture version with my library on an external HD for my images in a managed library on a older iMac.

Steve Benkovich

Steve Benkovich's picture
by Steve Benkovich
February 22, 2013 - 8:35am

Now I remember. I needed to reprocess originals to continue into 3.4.3 from above.

Steve Benkovich

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