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Odd DNG file behaviour #1
Marcus 's picture
by Marcus
August 13, 2012 - 7:52am

In an effort to try and get my files from the Fuji X Pro 1 into Aperture in some format other than JPEG, I converted the RAW files to DNG in Adobe DNG Converter.

When I import those new DNG files, the system says that they are imported yet the project I imported them to remains blank with no images at all displaying - not even black boxes saying Unsupported Image Format.

I used a copy of PSE 9 to open the DNG files and that works, so the files themselves must be OK.

I'm not an Adobe person at all, so I am a bit stuck with this and wondered if anyone out there knew what was going on?

(Note - the Fuji X Pro RAW files remain unsupported by Aperture so I will be selling the camera system shortly, I think)

PhotoJoseph's picture
by PhotoJoseph
August 14, 2012 - 4:10am


Have you restarted Aperture?


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Marcus 's picture
by Marcus
August 14, 2012 - 7:33am

hi Joseph

Yes, twice.

The DNG files now show as “Unsupported Image Format”!

Doubly annoying, as Lightroom has supported the RAW files for this camera for some months now.

I prefer Aperture but I am really starting to see a pattern where third party makers of software and hardware are supporting LR but not Aperture and the differences are becoming noticeable.

For example the ability to create camera profiles etc using the Colorchecker system, VSCO Film 2 being released for LR but not Aperture (with no ETA on the Aperture version) and so on.

Combined with slow support for some RAW files from Apple and the gloss is looking a bit tarnished - and that’s from someone who has had Aperture since the original release.

PhotoJoseph's picture
by PhotoJoseph
August 14, 2012 - 8:40am

I don’t have enough experience with DNG to say what to try next unfortunately. Hopefully someone else here can help.

Camera support you can only blame on Apple, but keep in mind that they have beat Adobe to the punch in the past.

As far as other hardware and software goes, well, guess there’s not much to say.


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Marcus 's picture
by Marcus
August 14, 2012 - 9:24am

It just increasingly looks like everyone else (being the other makers of image software, hardware and so on) have collectively decided that Aperture is a waste of their time and money.

It’s a pretty odd world when your camera choices start to be dictated by your processing workflow as well - sometimes I think “come back film, all is forgiven”!

As you say, hopefully someone here knows all about DNG as I don’t normally use it either.


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