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Nik Plugins & cropping #1
Stuart Burrill's picture
by Stuart Burrill
August 14, 2012 - 4:51pm

I watched the Nik webinar and there was a question at the end of it where people were seeing the uncropped images coming into Nik.

I have the latest version of everything and I see it. It only occurs when you have applied cropping (or other adjustments) to previously exported images.

So if I export to Viveza, make adjustments and then save. If I then apply Aperture adjustments (e.g. cropping) and then re-export to another Nik plugin, I will not see the Aperture adjustments within Nik. The adjustments will then apply to the saved image once it comes back from Nik.

Try this … (1) export image to Viveza. (2) Save image. (3) Crop image to square in Aperture. (4) Export to Nik SFX Pro2 & save.

You will not see the square crop in Nik, but will see the crop when it comes back into Aperture.

Hope this helps.

PhotoJoseph's picture
by PhotoJoseph
August 15, 2012 - 2:51am


Actually I covered this topic some time ago, and there’s a sensible explanation for it (although it may not seem so at the time). I honestly don’t recall that part of the webinar, so maybe I didn’t respond correctly there. But here’s the old post that explains the phenomenon: “Open in Editor or Plug-in… Again”.

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Stuart Burrill's picture
by Stuart Burrill
August 15, 2012 - 4:08am

Thanks Joseph. I thought I’d seen it somewhere here before.

BonnieB's picture
by BonnieB
August 16, 2012 - 9:59pm

Thanks for this. I got the Nik software plug-ins last month for Fourth of July special, after seeing Joseph’s webinar on them. That crop thing happened when I tried a Silver Efex pic. Thank you for explaining.

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