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Ghost image from lift and stamp adjustments?? #1
Andrew Buglass's picture
by Andrew Buglass
October 10, 2013 - 3:35am

I was using lift and stamp over the weekend to copy adjustments from one image to a couple of others all shot in the same light (fantastic early evening!). I noticed a really odd “ghost” of part of the source image from which I copied had been pasted into the others.

The source image had a very bright highlight where the sun was just shining through the top of a church roof near sunset. The two recipient images both had an outline of the highlight, although they were completely different subjects.

Easier to show the images than explain further:

Has anyone else come across this? Any ideas what's happening and how to avoid it??

I have worked around this time by re-editing from the master (thank you non-destructive edits!) but keen to avoid it again if possible!

thanks very much

Andrew Buglass's picture
by Andrew Buglass
October 12, 2013 - 5:14pm

Thanks Thomas, that makes sense. I did brush in a little - using burn - but hadn’t thought through the plumbing of it. Knowing now it creates a mask makes sense with what happened. Thanks very much

On, then, to a follow-on question if I may. Is there any way to select only some of the adjustments when using the lift and stamp command? They all seem to be applied as one, though there is probably an option somewhere which I’m missing….

Milt Anglin's picture
by Milt Anglin
October 12, 2013 - 9:10pm

When the Lift & Stamp box appears, click on the down arrow next to Adjustments. You can then delete any adjustments you don’t want to stamp.


Thomas Emmerich's picture
by Thomas Emmerich
October 10, 2013 - 1:56pm

Did you brush in any effects in the image with the bright highlight that you copied adjustments from? Brushing creates a mask and it looks like you pasted an adjustment with a mask.


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