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Restoring Aperture Library on New OS X Lion Install #1
Jakobsze's picture
by Jakobsze
September 17, 2013 - 12:19pm

1st post and I really couldn't find an answer after searching the forum. So here it goes…

I was having some issues with on older iMac, so I decided to perform a clean install of OS X Lion. Everything went smooth and now I'm getting read to restore my Aperture Library, but I'm not sure of the best way. I have a Time Machine backpack and I also just copied the Library to another Mac on my home network.

1) Should I restore it from the Time Machine backup?
2) Should I use the suggestion to “Import my library into a new, clean library trick”. It is mentioned in Ten Tips to a Clean Aperture Library (7 of 10) - Repair Your Library”.
I have a clean, empty library, but I'm not sure how to import the old one into it.

Any instruction would be MUCH appreciated!

jan j

Walter Rowe's picture
by Walter Rowe
September 17, 2013 - 7:07pm

I would just copy it back from the other Mac. That will take less time than restoring from time machine.

Jakobsze's picture
by Jakobsze
September 19, 2013 - 2:54am

OK. I found the answer myself to 2) above, so I thought hat I’d share for the benefit of future newbies…

Within the Aprerture program, go to:

File > Import > Aperture Library… (Duh)

Select your library and it sucks it all in!

Hope this helps someone someday!

jan j

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