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Exported 'original' files have turned black! #1
michael couchman's picture
by michael couchman
November 6, 2013 - 8:10pm

A few days ago I got back late with my days work and went about importing it into Aperture as per usual. It was a big job so while the import was taking place I decided to export another job that was wanted the next morning. This client needed origonal RAW files (NEF nikon) so I selected 'all' and chose 'export originals' from the File menu. These then went to my desktop, ready to be uploaded to a client FTP. So.. this is where the scary stuff started. The import went fine but the export was a disaster. They appeared (on the desktop folder) with the preview as cover flow being the same as the import. When trying to open them they come up as completely black images. Ok, stay with me, this gets worse. Going back to the Aperture project, many of the correctly displaying previews have now turned black also, remaining previews when clicked on turn black. I've checked in the package contents of the library and have found the import master files correctly archived. The master files for the export though (the ones I'm desperately looking for) still view as the same image as the import. They do however have the file number of the exported files. I hope this makes sense. I really need to locate these missing original NEF files. Please help..

Andrew Mumford's picture
by Andrew Mumford
November 8, 2013 - 5:22am

What are you opening them in - Preview / Aperture ?

The files may be OK - it may just be the “display” of them - what does cmd+i tell you about the size of the files, when you locate them in the finder - is it what you expect ?

Try regenerating the previews, force the regen if needed.

Try opening them in some non-apple app that does not rely on Apple’s RAW rendering engine for display - hate to say it but that’s probably Adobe, Camera RAW or similar or Capture One from Phase One.

Andrew Mumford

Walter Rowe's picture
by Walter Rowe
November 9, 2013 - 5:02am

1) As a business practice I don’t think I would ever hand over raw files.
2) When you did “export originals”, what were your settings on the export dialog?
3) Have you ever done an import and an export at the same time?
4) Were your import and export on different projects in the Library?

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