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unsupported image format #1
stan creighton's picture
by stan creighton
May 10, 2013 - 3:05pm

I understand this is a recurring problem, but mine is a new twist and I need some advice. I just bought a new MacBook Pro, transferred all my data, updated my NIK software to the Google version and opened Aperture. A bunch of my RAW photos have been replaced with the text “unsupported image format”. When I click on an actual picture that looks normal, the image immediately disappears and I get the same “unsupported image format”. I can't find where the picture goes, and don't know how to proceed. All suggestions welcome.

Joe's picture
by Joe
May 10, 2013 - 3:59pm

Were your image display correctly on your old laptop?
If yes, can you check that you have all the recent updates for Max OS are installed? So you can ensure to have the fresh Raw reader.

If all updates are there, is there anything specific for this file? done with a particular camera? etc

Good luck,

Thomas Emmerich's picture
by Thomas Emmerich
May 13, 2013 - 2:21pm

A common cause of that problem is disk issues. Make sure the disk where the photos are stored is working correctly and you have the proper permissions for the files. If you are using a managed library, perform a permissions fix on it using instructions from Apple.

If the original images are referenced, select the disk or folder where they reside and make sure the logged in user has read/write permissions using the Get Info command in the Finder.


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